Re: MK9
« Reply #45 on: April 22, 2011, 17:10 » |
I cannot suggest you anything. I have no XBox360 and have never extracted XBox iso's. Check the forum, there was a few tutorials dedicated to XBox iso extraction. Probably in "documentation" area.
Re: MK9
« Reply #46 on: April 23, 2011, 01:10 » |
Hi Gildor Thank you so much for your work on the Mortal KOmbat titles! I have noticed that some files included with MK9 seem to have a higher level of security? When I try extract files from KRYPTART1.XXX - KRYPTART6.XXX and a few other files like UI_PS_VS_JPEGS_PS3.XXX you get this message:
Found 1 game files (1589 skipped) Loading package: UI_PS_VS_JPEGS_PS3.XXX Ver: 472/46 Engine: 2605 Names: 116 Expo rts: 98 Imports: 6 Game: 8103 Package "ui_ps_vs_jpegs_ps3.xxx" has no supported objects
I tried a few differant options, like -notgacomp -all -lzo / -zlib ect... but couldn't get umodel to export the JPEG files. If you do a -list, Umodel identifies the contents as TextureJPEG am I doing something wrong?
Found 1 game files (1589 skipped) Loading package: UI_PS_VS_JPEGS_PS3.XXX Ver: 472/46 Engine: 2605 Names: 116 Expo
64 617756 88 TextureJPEG BD_baraka 65 6177DE 88 TextureJPEG BD_cyberzero 66 617866 88 TextureJPEG BD_cyrax 67 6178EE 88 TextureJPEG BD_dlc 68 617976 88 TextureJPEG BD_ermac 69 6179FE 88 TextureJPEG BD_jade 70 617A86 88 TextureJPEG BD_jax 71 617B0E 88 TextureJPEG BD_jax_f 72 617B96 88 TextureJPEG BD_johnnycage 73 617C1E 88 TextureJPEG BD_johnnycage_f 74 617CA6 88 TextureJPEG BD_kabal 75 617D2E 88 TextureJPEG BD_kano 76 617DB6 88 TextureJPEG BD_kitana 77 617E3E 88 TextureJPEG BD_kratos 78 617EC6 88 TextureJPEG BD_kratos_f 79 617F4E 88 TextureJPEG BD_kunglao 80 617FD6 88 TextureJPEG BD_liukang 81 61805E 88 TextureJPEG BD_mileena 82 6180E6 88 TextureJPEG BD_nightwolf 83 61816E 88 TextureJPEG BD_noob 84 6181F6 88 TextureJPEG BD_quanchi 85 61827E 88 TextureJPEG BD_raiden 86 618306 88 TextureJPEG BD_reptile 87 61838E 88 TextureJPEG BD_scorpion 88 618416 88 TextureJPEG BD_sektor 89 61849E 88 TextureJPEG BD_shangtsung 90 618526 88 TextureJPEG BD_sheeva 91 6185AE 88 TextureJPEG BD_sindel 92 618636 88 TextureJPEG BD_smoke 93 6186BE 88 TextureJPEG BD_sonya 94 618746 88 TextureJPEG BD_stryker 95 6187CE 88 TextureJPEG BD_stryker_f 96 618856 88 TextureJPEG BD_subzero 97 6188DE 1A8 ObjectReferencer CombinedReferencer
Thanks keep up the great work!
Re: MK9
« Reply #47 on: April 23, 2011, 01:13 » |
There is nothing wrong in your actions. TextureJPEG is an unknown object type, umodel can export Texture2D objects only. I have noticed that some files included with MK9 seem to have a higher level of security? Most probably this is not a security, this is a ps3-specific optimizations. I've heard about other non-unreal ps3 games which has similar data structures inside skeletal meshes.
Re: MK9
« Reply #49 on: April 23, 2011, 01:37 » |
I have quickly checked TextureJPEG class and found the following: - TextureJPEG is a small clas containing links to the two BinaryBlobJPEG objects - one object contains RGB texture, another one - Alpha texture (interesting technique)
- BinaryBlobJPEG is just a set of bytes with a small header (a few bytes)
What I can suggest you to do - extract the package using "Unreal package extractor" (can be found in downloads section of the main site), you may add "-filter=BinaryBlobJPEG" option to exclude unwanted files from extraction
- watch for *.BinaryBlobJPEG files; probably you can simply rename them to *.jpg - some graphics software should handle such files
- if not - open that files in binary editor and remove all bytes before JPEG signarure (FF D8 FF E0 00 10 4A 46 49 46 = " ╪ р ►JFIF")
I cannot test this by myself because I have no sample packages.
Re: MK9
« Reply #50 on: April 23, 2011, 01:54 » |
Thanks! Your "Unreal Package Extractor" worked a treat, it dumps 3 files per entry, a jpeg file (RGB), a mask file (Alpha) and some data file (BinaryBlob Header), like you said just rename the BinaryBlobJpeg file to .jpeg and you have it!  I uploaded the packages anyway if you want to play around with them, they are from the PS3 version. https://www.yousendit.com/download/VnByQ1Z0NmN6NE0wTVE9PQ
« Last Edit: April 23, 2011, 02:45 by Warlord »
Jr. Member  
Posts: 59
Re: MK9
« Reply #51 on: April 23, 2011, 04:56 » |
mmm... Im having problems wiht hair uv's 
Re: MK9
« Reply #52 on: April 23, 2011, 11:43 » |
Forget about that model anyway its not the ingame model as you can clearly see;)
Jr. Member  
Posts: 59
Re: MK9
« Reply #53 on: April 23, 2011, 20:11 » |
Nope, It's a low poly model used for reflections, but It has the same UV problem's that the ingame model, because Umodel doesn't load maps in iungame model.
Re: MK9
« Reply #54 on: April 24, 2011, 10:58 » |
What about the mk 2011 soudns' I just downloaded the ps3 version and I'd love to get the sounds/music from it. It's one of the games that has the best fighting sounds ever.
Re: MK9
« Reply #55 on: April 24, 2011, 16:45 » |
Re: MK9
« Reply #56 on: April 24, 2011, 17:56 » |
I tried using the extract tool but I got a bunch of files ending in weird extensions like FmodEventFile and FmodDesigner. Any ideas on how I can convert those?
Re: MK9
« Reply #57 on: April 24, 2011, 18:02 » |
FMod sounds are not supported. There is one game: "Batman Arkham Asylum". It uses FMod, but data inside sound objects has MP3 format (at least for PC version of the game).
Re: MK9
« Reply #58 on: April 24, 2011, 18:11 » |
Do you think they will be supported in the future?
Re: MK9
« Reply #59 on: April 24, 2011, 18:12 » |
Umodel will not support FMod. It is rarely-used.